

For the last day of November I decided to cook something that could bring some winter smell in the air. I love so much crumbles. So I prepared apple crumbles but with some changes: instead of white wheat I used whole wheat, instead of butter I used margarine and instead of white sugar I used the cane one.

This is my apple crumble for two. Suggestion: it tastes better if eaten in front of a fire place listen to some Etta James

1 cup of whole wheat
2 table spoon of margarine
2 apples
2 table spoon of brown sugar

I cut the apples and put the pieces in a small oven-pan and I mixed them with a little bit of sugar

I mixed the whole wheat with the margarine, cinammon and the sugar and I worked it until it became crumby enough

Then I put it on raw apples and cooked it in the oven for 45 min at 200°

This is the result:

It was so delicious

Smell the cinammon

Simon Debì